Solartech Food Warmer, Cookers & Steam Cooking Systems

Solartech Cooking Systems are cheapest, pollution free and natural source of energy used for cooking. Solartech Steam Cooking systems are capable for making food for large number of people at the same time.

Sr. No. Model No. Features
a. SDC Fibre Body with 3/4 containers
b. SDC/E Same as above but with electric back-up
c. SDC/D-5 Dish Type with 5 kg pressure cooker
d. SDC/I-25 Industrial Type Solar Cooker for 25 persons
e. SIC/25 Industrial Type Solar Cooker for 25 persons
f. SSC/100 Solar Steam Cooking system for 100 men
g. SSC/150 Solar Steam Cooking system for 150 men
h. SSC/250 Solar Steam Cooking system for 250 men